Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 16, 2011 Letter and photos

Querida Familia,
  Well the missionary life has changed completely. Say goodbye to sit down lessons for a good while. It's good though, I almost prefer it this way. I am better at showing people things than telling them anyways. We have gone around sounding the warning in Amelia to make sure the hispanics will be alright. Delfina and Eduardo aren't married so they weren't abled to be baptized. One day after all this mess cleans up though. They are going up to New Iberia for the flood. We will do our best to try and keep good tabs on them. We are still trying to get safe places to go for some of our members. The Benitez family are going to New Orleans, and a bunch of people are going to Houston. Once they opened that Morganza spill way people really started realizing a flood was coming even though we have been telling them for weeks. It's funny to see how much preperation some people put into saving their houses and others not at all. We have 2 potential people that should start hearing/understanding the gospel message real soon. This couple Moises Y Rosario, we met them about a week ago. They live right next to the river in a 5th wheel in Amelia. They had no idea about the flood. We taught them about the B.O.M. and told them it would be a good idea to get their trailer out of Amelia. They found some friends to stay with in Patterson but no one to take their 5th wheel. Well on Saturday we got President Jordan over there and moved them out. They were really grateful and Pres. Jordan was helping Moises to have a desire to quit drinking. President Jordan served in Mexico and has stayed up on his spanish. It's amazing what service can do!
  It looks like a war zone down here. The National Guard is everywhere putting up sandbags and what not. They will probably have a mandatory evacuation Tuesday or Wednesday in Amelia. Morgan City has 22 ft sea walls protecting it but those or the levees could break and Morgan City would be going under too. That would not be good at all. Eva Luna, the mexican lady with the triplets was thinking about leaving Morgan City but then she had a crazy experience. She woke up in the middle of the night and grabbed her bible. She read a part in the Bible(she thinks in Job) that talked about the River Jordan flooding. In the chapter it talked about being calm and not to worry about it flooding. She went back to bed but marked where she had been reading. When she woke up the next day that same part in the Bible was completely different than the one she read the night before. So she took that as her answer that she didn't need to worry about the flood in Mo City. I don't know those hispanics always have weird dreams and stuff. Hopefully nothing happens in Mo City because she isn't prepared.
  Not too much else is going on. We have extra food and water in case the water gets shut off in Berwick. Worst case scenario is that Berwick becomes an island and we are stuck there. I'm glad President decided to leave us in Berwick to do service. I can't wait to go out and help more people. We also had a very good Family Home Evening early in the week with 20 people at it. The Benitez family, Sergio, Miguel, Buben, Alma Delfina, Eduardo, Wendolin, Damaris, Liel, Jose Gonzalez, and Salvador were all there for the hispanics.
  There is no need to get worried about anything. I just hope none of our Invs or Members are too badly effected. A ver que pasa. Welp E' Terry and I have to go sell and buy a car for some mexicans to drive back to Mexico. I love you and I hope is going well.
Con Amor,
Elder Decker

First pic is of Delfina, Eduardo y Salvador

The Benitez family: Greyci, Reina, Mario, Reina, Jeymy, y Shelldeen

 preparing for the flood by sandbagging

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